
Thursday 17 September 2015

Celebrating William

Every week in Assembly 4 wonderful students get a certificate for their achievements; whether it is something social or academic. This week we had an extra special certificate.

William, who is Autistic, had worked so hard this week. He has been completing his work everyday, he is now learning List 7 of the Essential Lists and he has transitioned from completing one task and having a reward to completing two tasks and receiving an award. These are really big achievements and we wanted to celebrate them.

Because students receive certificates in Assembly we wanted William to also receive his certificate in Assembly. However assembly is very noisy and filled with lots of people, and that makes it hard for William to enjoy it. But Kylie, his teacher aide, and I thought we'd give it a go.

William did a wonderful job of going in. William's mum made it in time to see him receive his certificate and it was a very special moment for him.

Well done William! We are proud of your hard work and the way you came into assembly and received it.